Archangel Metatron via James Tyberonn Greetings! I am Metatron, Lord of Light! As the heralded 2012 approaches, we encompass each of you in a vector and field of Unconditional Love within coded light. We nurture you, …
News Networks cover the story of an 11 year old boy named James Leininger who remembers much of his past life. Part of what 2012 means is that we get to remember more or who we …
QUESTION: Dear Dr. Schulze, My kidneys are now working at 9% and I am scheduled for the shunt procedure IN 2 WEEKS. I have spent the last four days reading and taking notes on the information …
More and more News Networks are leading with stories of UFO’s or what I call Extra Terrestrials. The term UFO was coined by the part of the military who don’t want to reveal the existence of …
I feel compelled to share some of the wisdom I’ve acquired about souls and how they relate to the issue of people being labeled as gay. This is some of the metaphysics behind the truths I …